Friday, December 30, 2011

City of Silver Dreams

-City of Silver Dreams-
Windows dressed in frost and ice.
Candles glimmer, flicker, gleam.

Bright star beckons home
travelers far, journeyers wide.

Bells shimmy, shimmering silver,
singing angels golden songs.

Snow soaks sounds, liquifies light,
gives birth to the spirit of dreams.

Monday, December 19, 2011

NOT a Christmas Poem

In case anyone's wondering, the reason I'm posting at 4:28 in the morning is because I'm at an all nighter. It's one of my favourite parts of the holiday season, specifically on New Year's Eve, when my friends and I traditionally pull an all nighter.
There may be a poem about the middle of the night in a while, but also I might sleep, I'm not sure yet. In the mean time here's another poem off the Sugarland Christmas album. This is one of my favourite songs on the album. Although it is a traditional Christmas hymn, my poem has nothing at all to do with Christmas. Anyway, here it is.

-O Come, O Come, Emmanuel-

Is it grand or is it wrong or
is it sad to sing a song all
'bout a life we never had when
all that's left are crippled dreams.

I can hear melodic verse which,
spoken loud, makes true the worst of
what was said between our souls. We
face each other and our holes where

used to dwell a potent love with
chords reduced now to a dove of
deepest black and to a song of
frigid ice. With faces long we

fill the hall and echoes loud make
still us all although we vowed to
never leave we cannot stay here
anymore as our day ends.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Carols

So we're approaching Christmas again (and Hannukah, and Kwanzaa, and others, but for the sake of this post Christmas is the point.)
Every year, I am dissapointed by all the people who complain about Christmas music. Some of the complaints have some factual basis: cheesy, repetitive, and those I understand even if I don't agree with them. But some of the complaints completely confound me, such as claims that they are "too happy" which is apparently "not natural." My question is: why is that a bad thing? Why is it a bad thing that for just one month a year, we are expected to be happy. Personally I support happiness year round, but apparently I'm just about the only one.
So in order to create a little holiday cheer, I'm going to continue my Sugarland project by adapting thier Christmas album (almost all of which is original music by the way, thus disproving the theory that Christmas music is just identical reproductions of the same handful of songs.)
Anyway here is the beginning of my version of Sugarland's Gold and Gold and Green

-Gold and Green-

Golden glow bathes my home.
Candle sticks flicker shades.
Butterscotch melts on wick.

Sparkling snow glimmers bright.
Optic tricks fill the dark.
Diamonds, watch, reflect stars.

Twinkletrees standing high
White but warm guarding heart.
Green of life, sliver sparks.

Darkness flees in moments.
Colour storm on sky's coast.
Peace is rife with lit dark.